Raças de gato conheça as raças de gato mais populares

Cat breeds known as the most popular cat breeds


There is a huge diversity of cat breeds, and some are more popular, but with certainty, there are some that will beat your heart stronger.

In the end, it is known that a breed is known, that a cat is a skilled, intelligent animal.


Did you know that two cats have a different meaning? Pois!, with two cats he manifests his personality!

Keep reading, I'll explain it to you!


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With two cats and their meanings

As I told you, the two cats help to define their personality, but many people question the meaning of the two cats from a mystical and energetic point of view.

To do this, we will show you the meaning of each word:

  • Black cat: meaning is associated with purification and protection of the environment.
  • White cat: meaning is associated with the power of balance, healing and stress relief.
  • Cracked cat: meaning is associated with optimism, luck and positive energy.
  • Gray cat: meaning is associated with stability, tranquility, peace and peace.
  • Orange cat: Meaning is associated with prosperity, self-esteem and creativity.
  • Bicolor cat: meaning is associated with knowledge and friendliness.
  • Tricolor cat: meaning is associated with feminine power, sorte and protection.
  • Cat Escaminha: meaning is associated with mystical powers, healing and protection.

Now that you know the meaning of the cores, I will show you the most popular cat breeds

Most popular cat breeds


São a most sought after breed of Brazilian hair.

Perhaps, because they only animate very calmly, they are given to children and other animals and like to jump, adapting better to calm environments.

Although they do not demand attention, they are welcome. The name is due to the region of origin, to Persia.

Do you know the name of Garfield the cat, two animated designs and quadrinhos? Well, it is a Persian cat, known for being a breed of large cat.

Therefore, it can be up to 5kg for males and 4kg for females. Their hairs are compressed, dense, with fine hairs and therefore very thick.

British Shorthair

Before everything, have you imagined Alice's smiling cat's house in Wonderland? 

In fact, the British Shorthair is also one of the most beloved cat breeds among Brazilians and in various European countries.

The name itself in English says, this race has short hairs, with a blueish cinnamon tom.

Ainda, of British origin and known for having a penetrating smell and having a noble and elegant walk.

In addition to being a very sociable cat, quite attached to the tutor and many companions.

Although the coat is short, it is very dense, firm and hairy, therefore it must be brushed twice a week to remove impurities.

Sphynx, our breed of cat without hair

If you take care of hair that is not too strong, you can choose hair called “bare cat”, or Sphynx.

Thus, the main characteristic of this is the apparent lack of hair.

This characteristic arose from genetic mutations, therefore they are not completely peeled.

By carefully examining and examining the hairs, it is possible to perceive a short and fine layer of hairs, almost invisible.

This cat is extremely friendly and jumpy and requires special care, such as weekly bathing, so as not to lose hair, do not retain oil.


From now on, I knew that Siamese cats are present in 67% of houses that have cats of Brazilian breed.

The Siamese cat is a favorite of many people for being intelligent, docile, highly sociable and tries to take part in its activities.

Besides being an excellent breed for him to sit alone and need company, he is very agitated, loves to jump and his striking characteristic is with two blue-sapphire eyes.

Maine Coon

Initially, they are sought after for large cat breeds, or Maine Coon is one of the two largest domestic cats.

Indeed, he can catch at 100 centimeters and pass two 10kg, known as a “gentle giant”, and a skilled hunter.

You need to spend a lot of energy and enjoy jumping a lot, with friends and independence.

Além disso, adapts to diverse lifestyles, spaces and personalities, learns tricks with ease and good humor.

Finally, one curiosity is that the Maine Coon loves water and will not be difficult to lift him to the bathroom.

Hairy cat

In particular, it is one of the breeds of hairy cat that exist, with long, straight and dense hairs. 

Last year, I had brown tones, but it could be zinc, white or mixed tones.

Basically it is necessary to brush the hair daily, to avoid stains.


Even though there are many breeds of cat, you are most present in Brazilian houses with the SRD cats (without a defined breed), the so-called vira-latas.

Based on the latest Pet Radar 2020 survey, 62% two domestic cats in Brazil with no defined breed, there are approximately 30 million felines in existence.

Therefore, the result is a mix of cat breeds from the country, which is very high, with low control and neutering.

Cat breeds known as the most popular cat breeds

Brazilians and adoption

According to research, the preference of Brazilian families is to provide a kit of NGOs, streets, coats instead of buying.

In the end, it doesn't matter at all, the cats are always willing to keep company and make love at home with their guardians!

Nesse link you will find a list of NGOs that offer children in education.

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