Os animais mais inteligentes do mundo

You are the most intelligent in the world


Firstly, intelligence is the mental capacity that makes living beings capable of:

  • understand, 
  • learn, 
  • make decisions, 
  • ratiocinate, 
  • form an idea of the reality in which we live and develop.  

Therefore, some animals do not surprise us with their intelligence, since science has dedicated itself to investigating them for decades.


Still, there are other species, which most people consider a little clever and which in reality, exceed much to ours expectations.

In this way, you will be surprised and discover what you never imagined with the list of two most intelligent animals in the world.


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You are the most intelligent in the world


Firstly, for its surprise, this invertebrate animal is an insect with greater brain mass.

A study from the University of Bristol, England as we learn more about the path we must travel to find food. 

In this way, The former teacher works day-to-day like inexperienced people, stopping in certain localities so that the second possa remembers broken. 

No moment, that a formiga aluna considers that it has no longer learned, empurra with its legs or abdomen Give another time to continue with the task.

In addition to the fact that as forms you do the distribution of the tasks of the colony and each one has its function for the survival of the colony.


In addition to being one of the most intelligent animals in the world, its intelligence is also based on various parameters.

Oh, this is the instinctive intelligence that is in accordance with your race.

Logo, know how to hunt, measure your level of intelligence with the ability to monitor, defend your group and learn new things.

Finally, the third type of intelligence: the child's ability to follow orders and be obedient.  

Furthermore, we are the only animals capable of interpreting the state of mind and thoughts of humans, with only the slightest ability to read the face of their own person.  

Red-billed Parrot

Specifically, it is a bird with the most developed intelligence. So much so that scientists compare the cleverness of this animal to a 3-year-old child.

Furthermore, it is capable of reconstructing and selecting cores and figures. He has the ability to understand his tutor's moods.

An experiment made by scientists, was for two opaque flakes, a vacuum and another cheio with a nose and the researchers embalham the flakes.

O papagaio-cinzento managed to always escolher o cheio!

Or while

It is also part of two of the most intelligent animals in the world. The possuem or brain with many similarities to two human beings, mainly the somatosensory cortex.

In addition to having the ability to learn and being extremely sociable, we reconhece the other family members and establish family relationships.

The corvo

The cause-and-effect knowledge of two crooks is similar to that of a 5-year-old child, which may not be on this list.

In a concrete study, the scientists discovered that the crows would prefer to throw rocks for a water pipe instead of an air pipe.

Because once we understood that once we did it, the water would rise and we would be able to drink it.

A curious fact is that these animals are not outlined in the appearance of two of their enemies. and communicate to other members of the group. Therefore, if we see it again, we can punish him. 

Or dust

First of all, the dust sleeps in a manner similar to two human beings and two mammals..

If we sleep very little and will not rest, we must compensate for the lost time the next day. No alertness is maintained during the sound. 

In the investigation of the University of New Zealand, these animals will learn to turn off the lights by throwing jets of water at the switches. 

Or elephant

Elephants have larger brains than any terrestrial animal, so this is part of the list.

Also, we are very social beings and have great ties of unity between the members of the pack.

And, when one of them dies, the rest does not separate from the fact that their remains are in decomposition.

They celebrate a ritual every time a death occurs, a deceased animal dies, and releases books and land.

Likewise, elephants have a long memory, are sacrificed within the group and are capable of self-medicating when they are sick, consuming various plants.

The pig

From now on, I knew that you pigs have a higher level of intelligence than a 3-year-old child. You are very curious and friendly.

Furthermore, defecate long from the place where you eat and make your bed at bedtime.  

In the same way, we created family ties that were very complex and only seen by primates.

As a curious fact, these items sound the same as us, and we manage to recognize their name.  

The bottle-nosed urchin

On the other hand, the golfinho is the second most intelligent animal in the world. Be aware of them and therefore make yourself aware of the mirror. 

My brain is much larger than that of two humans, and we have a very complete and complex language based on different sounds.

Além disso, estabelecem the social ties very strong between them, especially in maternity.

You are the most intelligent in the world

The great apes

Finally, I primates That there are two most intelligent animals in the world.

The great apes are a group made up of: gorillas, orangotangos, bonobos and chimpanzees

Ainda, em cativeiro, we can catch a Communicate with people through gestures and gestures.

On the other hand, It is very rooted in the concept of culture and transmission of history in history.  

What is the difference between human and animal intelligence?

In the end, home has both conceital and practical intelligence, but the common spirit is the ability to find answers through motor actions, production and adjustment of tools.

In short, we explore more in Practical Intelligence.

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